A downloadable game for Windows

OWLY es un pequeño búho/pato, el cual se encarga de pelear contra criaturas que se esconden en las sombras de las cuevas, OWLY por desgracia perdió mucha práctica y necesita recuperar sus habilidades poco a poco según transcurre su trayecto.


A y D - moverse 

Espacio - saltar

K - ataque principal

J - ataque secundario


OWLY is a small owl/duck, which is responsible for fighting against creatures that hide in the shadows of the caves. OWLY unfortunately lost a lot of practice and needs to recover his skills little by little as his journey progresses.


A and D - move

Space - jump

K - main attack

J - secondary attack


Owly Dark Fighter.rar 29 MB


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not sureif I beat the game. but i played through a bit and from the starting point to the left up and further left, the game seemed to freeze at some point, then a bunch of stuff showing upon screen to quickly for me to react. and I'm back at the main menu.
upon reentering game starts from scratch. so no idea if i had beaten the game and it was over or what happened.

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to, but if you reached that area, it's assumed that you did, you passed the game, sorry if there were any errors, since it was only a week the gamejam I couldn't outline some things either.

ah, i mean literall where you spawn at the start of the game. left is a red door, beyond that the area to the left.

somewhere around there, iwas walking, hopping and spamming shoot when quickly stuff popped up and went (likely due to my clicking and zero reaction speed) and i was back to the main menu before I realized it. maybe there was some "you won the game! wanna go back to the main menu?" popup or something

Yes, surely it is that, between that and how I used a timer to return to the menu as well and maybe I didn't set a deltatime (that adjusts the speed to the FPS and so) maybe it happened too fast for you, I'm not sure how to replicate or fix it